10 December 2009

I'm taking on a new mantra

The information I choose to share is valuable. At least it's valuable to me and therefore should be worth a listen or a read. At least to my family and friends.
I really ought to get more of my thoughts down on... on... paper? Screen? What do you call it when you write it on a computer but don't print it? Ah hell, it's not like it matters.
My point? I sit at home applying/bidding on dozens of jobs every day and after a year of doing this it would be nice if one person replied, "hey, nice letter. Impressive resume. Let's have a chat about the work we'd like you to do".
Just once.
Actually, that's not really fair, those porn sites really want me to write for them. Hey, it'd pay more than all of that volunteer work I do raising funds for cancer research, or press releases I write for a struggling pub, or even managing all of those damn social networking sites for my husband's band. They don't pay, they don't even say thank you. But, I know I'm doing it. And I know it's read because someone eventually responds. Even if it's just to say, "hey, press release seems ok but I'm too brain dead to actually have an opinion". Is that a compliment? Not really. But I'll take it.
As my father would say, "Shit man. At least it's somethin'!"

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