07 August 2009

Enjoy The World Through Another's Lense

I love looking at photos. I love looking at snapshots of life through someone else's eyes. It is inspiring, emotional and in some cases downright odd (check out the photo of the body builders - you couldn't stage it better!).
Antony Bennison is a photo editor for MSN in London. Each week Antony hand picks the most striking photos (as he sees it) taken over the previous seven days. Check it out. It's one of my favorite blogs!
This is an AP photo taken by Mark Keppler (isn't is sweeeet?!). Click on the photo to get to Antony's photo picks!

05 August 2009

Life on a Daily Basis

Clean, Walk, Bathe, Eat, Bake. Wait. Dishes. Dinner. Dishes. Guitar Sounds. Food and Music. Food, and Music. Food. Music. No matter how you slice it, it always turns out the same -- delicious and fun. Nice to taste. Nice to hear. What a nice way to be. Not to sound like life is a bowl of cherries. Some days it is. Some days the cherries are bitter. Some days it's nothing but pits. And some days, it's pan au cherry chocolat! Today is a waiting game. Waiting to hear about a potential job interview. Waiting to hear about the house we want to move into. Waiting for Justin to come home so we can go for a long walk. Waiting to hear back from friends. Waiting for that damn package I was supposed to get yesterday. But it's not a day of pits even though it's the pits waiting. It's a day of cherries. The cherries may be going moldy in the refridgerator, but they are there nonetheless. Waiting game days mean biscotti. When in doubt, bake. They'll sell. With a cup of coffee you can't go wrong!

03 August 2009

Shopwiki to the Rescue!

One afternoon a few months ago while browsing the Internet I realized my computer was acting odd. This odd behavior continued for several weeks until it became eminent that it was to be replaced. I had been so far out of the market that I had no idea where to go or who to talk to regarding a suitable replacement. That being said, I knew exactly where to start my search - Shopwiki. Shopwiki is a comprehensive online shopping comparison site that has changed the way online shoppers look for products. Like a search engine such as Google, Shopwiki crawls through cyberspace finding every store on the Internet that has the potential to offer you what you want. Rather than listing only those stores that have paid to be included, all stores on the Internet are included in the search. This maximizes your opportunity to find what you need and allows you the opportunity to make the best purchase choice possible. And it doesn't stop there. Other valuable components to this are Shopwiki's product comparison and purchase guides to whatever you want. In my case I went to the Laptop Computer Buying Guide and from there determined where to start my search and what computers to eliminate first. Was a laptop the best option for me and my family? This was a big decision for us. Would we go for the more "bang for our buck" option by purchasing a desktop or would convenience and transportability be more important factors with our type of lifestyle and work? To help us make this decision we went to Shopwiki's Laptop vs. Desktop page. Of course once the decision to purchase another laptop had been made, we needed to decide on the minimum computer specs for the computer of our choice. And, when you look at the specs for individual computers it is of the utmose importance that you actually understand what the computer specs are. Overall, with Shopwiki we were able to narrow our search down from an enormous list of options to our favorites: Apple, Acer and Toshiba and then scan the stores recommended by Shopwiki. Did we find our computer? You bet we did! And we could not be happier with our choice. Could we have done it without this amazing shopping site? Of course. Would we attempt to make a purchase without first going to Shopwiki? No.