05 March 2009

Coffee on the Porch?

Early mornings have always been one of my most cherished times of the day. Waking up, going for a long walk, returning to a delicious cup of coffee. On a particularly warm day in the spring or every day in the summer throughout autumn I would enjoy my coffee on the porch of my house. "Coffee on the porch?" My mother would ring me at 8 am every Friday morning and we'd sit on our respective porches, enjoying our morning coffee, catching up with each other. During the colder months when I would be snuggled under a blanket on the living room sofa I would still get the same call, "coffee on the porch?" she'd chirp. We would giggle at this and exchange the weather reports between West Charleston, Vt. and Athens, Ohio. Now that I am in England, it just isn't practical to do this as often, not to mention the fact that I can't even afford coffee these days. But I know, soon enough, when the weather is warm and I have splurged for a bag of fair trade, shade grown, organic, french roast, Guatemalan coffee and the smell of it brewing triggers my brain, the phone will ring and my morning routine will be back in it's rightful place. Coffee on the porch?


  1. I love early mornings when the sun is just coming up and I sit there with my tea - I could tolerate coffee, but never french roast - and stare into the awakening of the day while enjoying the serene solitude. Problem, I like the serene solitude in the evening and therefore have the hardest time to find my way into bed and so getting up in the morning before it is crunch time is an unattainable ideal. But it I stay up long enough, my late night solitude coincides with your early morning solitude... the wonders of time zones.

  2. Ahhhh, yes the wonders of time zones. I once called my friend in California at 7 am and she was still up at 11 pm (loooong past my bed time!) ;)
