06 September 2008

True Love

He never ceases to amaze me with his patience. His humor makes my eyes squint. His intelligence makes my ears twitch. The love he shows me is true, deep, rich and alive, making my knees soft. I look around me wherever I am and something reminds me of him. The color blue. A crystal vase. A map. Paperclips, staples and tape. The color blue. A ribbon. A book on hiking trails. Notebook paper, flowers and a tin of maple syrup. The color blue. I close my eyes and designs of him float across and tickle my eyelids. His breath motions across my eyelashes to make my memories dart from beginning to middle to end. This love Is endless.

Where do you go once you've started?

Uuuugh! Now that I started a blog, there's the pressure to keep writing!!! I love to write. I don't profess to be an exceptional writer. As a matter of fact, I don't think I'm necessarily that talented of a writer at all. I insert commas where they don't belong or are not necessary or I don't use them where they are useful. In all honesty, I don't even remember all of the parts of speech and could not even define those that I do recognize. If my father ever sat in front of a computer to read this (which would mean that either Hell has frozen over or was hit with a pretty deep frost) he would laugh hysterically upon learning this and would then proceed to think "where did I go wrong?". He worked as an English and journalism adjunct professor for, oh I don't know, about 20 years at a very small liberal arts college in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. (I'd say Lyndonville, Vt. but that certainly is not as poetic as Northeast Kingdom. We Kingdomers are more than a little proud to claim this status, too. If you stick with me, you'll undoubetdly read more about it in future posts.) OK, ok, I know. I'm not making myself clear. I love to write, therefore I started this blog. However, as I questioned earlier, once you start a blog, where do to take it? Oh, right. It doesn't matter. It's for me. As a matter of fact, this very post doesn't have to be for anyone but me. It can, and is, an avenue I've taken to sort out my thoughts, memories and visions. What a relief!